Hestia, goddess of the hearth, could use fire, and Demeter is obviously the goddess of nature, so she would work with oddly enough nature. Both were members of the pantheon before another one came to take their place. If you’d like to get knit picky, you could even add, Demeter, and Hestia. I see where other people have commented on the other Olympians. I’d like to see them added, but other than that, it’s a great game, definitely satisfied. Dionysus being able to make people go mad and all, and Hephaestus with his hammer, would be great additions. They have everyone except Dionysus, and Hephaestus. This game is really amazing, but I wish that there were all of the Olympians. This game requires an internet connection to play and offers in-app purchases. Battle for the fate of Ancient Greece in an epic single-player campaign based on Greek mythology.Expand into new areas to create a vast empire.Get rewarded both for defending well AND for attacking well.Spar with yourself or alliance members to test their might.Build a powerful city protected by massive armies and an array of defensive towers.Each god commands multiple unique combat powers.Construct buildings instantly - no waiting!.Defend your city from attacks as they happen in real-time.Real-time cooperative play - help an ally defend their city or attack another empire.Full control of the legendary Greek gods in real-time combat.

Claim your fortune in the battlefield, thanks to a game economy that rewards action, boldness, and combat. Never lose your hard-earned wealth! The gods reward both skillful attacks as well as clever, effective defenses. Explore a huge variety of city layouts and defensive strategies. Rush into battle to aid your allies and fight alongside them in live cooperative play! Help them defend their city from attacks or join them in laying waste to your enemies.Īll buildings and upgrades are completed instantly - never wait for a build timer! Instantly buy and sell buildings, reinventing your city at any time. Employ strategy and brutality as you unleash the devastating powers of Zeus, Poseidon, Athena, Ares, Aphrodite, Apollo, Artemis, Hades, Hera, and Hermes. Master an innovative combat system that puts you in command of towering gods as they tear through enemy defenses. Take full control of the legendary Greek gods in real-time combat. Build a mighty empire worthy of the gods. Control every second of the action as the gods rampage through the cities of your enemies. Command the gods of Olympus as they battle through ancient Greece against fortified cities and hundreds of combat units.