For apple download Pinball Star
For apple download Pinball Star

We’ve teamed up with Bethesda, the worldwide publisher behind the blockbuster franchises Fallout®, DOOM®, and The Elder Scrolls®, for an unbelievable pinball experience! Coming to our various pinball platforms in December, Bethesda® Pinball presents three exciting pinball tables based on Bethesda’s epic gaming universes: Fallout, DOOM, and The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. See you on the leaderboards, and may the Force be with you. Xbox players, please be sure to purchase on Xbox 360 first, then import to Xbox One to enjoy on both systems. PSN North America, PSN Europe, and Mac. The table will also be released on iOS, Google Play and Amazon on February 2nd. The Star Wars™ Pinball: Rogue One™ table is now available on Xbox 360, Xbox One, Windows 10, Steam,

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Rebellions are built on hope – and the only hope the galaxy has lies at the feet of a rogue band of rebel fighters that is prepared for a daring mission. You must avoid stormtrooper detection in stealth missions, hold your own in firefights and combat missions, evade the footsteps of an AT-ACT walker, navigate the U-wing to shoot down TIE strikers as the ship’s gunner, and face off against Director Krennic and his Death Troopers in a white-knuckle multiball mode. The Star Wars™ Pinball: Rogue One™ table features 10 story-related game modes, each one with its own set of playfield toys and goals. As part of a small band of Rebels, you must infiltrate the Empire and steal the plans for the Death Star and restore hope to a hopeless galaxy. The Empire has begun testing a major weapon, and the Rebel Alliance needs to find out how to destroy it.

for apple download Pinball Star

In Star Wars™ Pinball: Rogue One™, players are tasked with a special mission of the utmost importance. Join Jyn Erso and the rest of Rogue One as they use any means necessary to steal the Death Star plans and restore hope to the galaxy in this table based on the hit film! We’re excited to announce our latest entry to the storied Star Wars™ Pinball franchise, Star Wars™ Pinball: Rogue One™ is now available on PC and console and will come to mobile platforms on February 2nd. Star Wars™ Pinball: Rogue One™ – Now Available

For apple download Pinball Star